Salon trio run to support charities close to their hearts

The KH Hair Nottingham team turned out to support three of its amazing ladies who took to the streets of Nottingham on Sunday 29th September to tackle the Robin Hood Half Marathon for charities close to their hearts.

Senior stylist, Beth, raised £470 for the When You Wish Upon A Star charity which offers vital support to families who have children with life-threatening conditions. She says that having her son, Tommie, made her feel so very lucky that she doesn’t have to go through what families with very poorly children do.

Eloise, who works front of house at the Castle Gate salon, raised £740 for Our Dementia Choir, a local charity championed by actor, Vicky McClure, which supports anyone affected by dementia. Eloise’s Dad is sadly suffering from dementia and she is keen to help raise funds and awareness of the condition.

Finally, senior stylist, Jess, raised £518 for The Lashes Foundation, a charity that means a great deal to her. The charity was set up in memory of Evie Wilson, who sadly lost her life aged just 13. The Foundation aims to relieve financial hardship, sickness and poor health amongst the community in the Clipstone Parish and surrounding areas. The charity is named after the lashes Evie so loved.

“All three ladies smashed it, and we are so very proud of them,” says salon co-director, Debbie. “They have spent months training in between busy work schedules and school holidays whilst they also all took park in the 10K Shine Night Walk for Cancer Research UK with other members of the salon team earlier in the month. They really are an inspiration to us all.”

Since the beginning of September, the KH Hair Nottingham team has raised over £3000 for their chosen charities. Anyone still wishing to donate to these causes can do so on the following links:

The Lashes Foundation

When You Wish Upon A Star

Our Dementia Choir

Cancer Research UK

